
The deadline for the Warm Up is July 1st!

Attention all participants! The deadline for submitting your warm-up applications is quickly approaching, with the registration open from June 24th to July 1st, 2024. Don’t miss out on this crucial step in your preparation for the Japan Jazz Pop Piano Competition.



We’ve received numerous inquiries regarding the quality of the video submissions, particularly about the angle and clarity. Here are some guidelines to help you:

  1. Camera Angle: Ensure that at least your upper body is clearly visible in the video. This is important as the judges may need to observe your technique and posture while you sing and play.

  2. Video and Sound Quality: While professional-quality video and sound are not required, make sure that your performance is clearly audible and visible. A regular smartphone camera is sufficient for this purpose. Our judges are skilled at assessing performances even if the recording isn't studio quality.

Remember, the focus is on your musicality and expression, not on the production quality of your video. We look forward to seeing your submissions and wish you the best of luck!


For any further questions, feel free to reach out to our support team.